
Educational Division
An essential part of monitoring and gathering information
on modern genocide abuse is how that information is then imparted
to the public. The Genocide Prevention Center plans to open educational
compo- nents that will help disseminate up-to-date information and
methods for successful prediction, prevention and intervention in
those abuses. Course curriculum at the pre-collegiate and collegiate
level, lecture series, a training institute and a quarterly publication
will all aid in the education of the public at large.
Curriculum Development
The center will employ genocide and human rights scholars
and curriculum development writers to develop a base curriculum for
a pre-collegiate and collegiate level target learner. These basic
courses will be expanded to culturally specific models to be applied
to specific international venues.
Human Rights Violations and Genocide
Studies: Strategies for Prevention
This curriculum will be offered at three levels of instruction
ranging from pre-collegiate to the master’s level of study. It will
borrow from several of the humanities including; history, international
relations, anthropology, psychology, conflict prevention & resolution,
philosophy and genocide studies.
The course will use specific historical and anthropological
examples of occurrences of genocide and massive human rights abuse
with specific attention to the effects of indifference and acts of
heroism. The material will illustrate the very practical application
and pertinence of a need for coursework in this field. Examples will
include: Pasteur Trocme and Chambourg, Raoul Wallenburg the Swedish
diplomat, Captain Trapp and the Hamburg reserve unit, Oscar Schindler
– industrial collaboration, sabotage and heroism, case studies of
Bulgaria, Denmark, Italy, France and Poland, intervention in East
Timor, Bosnia & Kosovo.
Conflict Prevention & Resolution/Mediation/Cultural
Several individual, group, ethnic and religious case
studies will be employed to train students regarding perceived differences
and inherent dangers. Industry standard approaches and training in
conflict prevention, mediation and intervention will be employed.
Philosophy of Conflict
A methodological approach to applications of these theories
will be offered; Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, Hinduism
and Islam. Several key authors and leaders’ work will be used in this
application including: Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson
Mandela and Dag Hammerschold.
International Jurisprudence
Course content will include a developmental history
of human rights law from the Magna Carta, including the 20th Century
international treaties through the most recent burdens and applications
of treaties. It will also look at the UN applications of those laws
in preventative and interventionary deployments and actions.
Genocide Studies
A comprehensive study of precursors and backward analysis
of indicators of genocide will be undertaken. Systems of analysis
and classification will be studied and critiqued for their methodology.
Several interactive role-playing lesson plans will use group dynamics
to illustrate several of the psychological, social and anthropological
theories illustrated.
The curriculum will be broken down into two courses,
the semester – college and college preparatory installment and the
two week intensive summer institute coursework.
Training Institute
The summer training institute will be held for two weeks
and include two sets of coursework in that will include key components
from each of the above categories.
Teaching the Curriculum
The methodology, pedagogy and suggested lesson plans
will be taught to educators from around the world. There will be two
break out sub-groupings of educators, the first to differentiate appropriate
instructional material for pre-collegiate and collegiate coursework
selection, the second for culturally specific collaboration and methodology
Human Rights Violations and Genocide Studies:
Strategies for Prevention
The coursework, outlined above, will be
taught in an intensive and abbreviated series of sessions for bachelors
and masters students only.
Genocide Lecture Series
The center will sponsor two distinct lecture series.
Both focus on the dangers of genocide in the modern world. These series
will travel widely and internationally to inform and education the
public at large about the intensely personal and ever present experience
of genocide in modern life and an academic lecture series on the modern
adaptation of the age old phenomenon.
Witnesses and Victims of Modern Genocide Series
Survivors of modern genocide’s, largely from the past
thirty-five years, will tell their stories of personal loss, victimization
and indifference and heroism of others. Lecturers will include survivors
from the Bengali(1971), Cambodian(1974-9), Hutu(1972,1988), Tutsi(1994),
Bosnian(1994), Kosovar (1999) and East Timorese (1999) tragedies.
Modern Genocide: Scholarly Lecture Series
Experts and authors in the human rights and/or genocide
field will offer lectures with discussion following regarding modern
parallels, events, systems of prediction, preventative and legal measures
surrounding the most serious issue of massive human loss of life.
Historians will be among those scholars featured, however a strong
presence will also be lent to theorists and practitioners who espouse
specific proactive and preventative measures.
Genocide Prevention
This publication will be a journal dedicated to practical
applications of preventative academic and technical concepts.
The primary focus of this quarterly will be to draw
on the lessons from the past to recommend specific strategies to prevent
future acts of genocide. Themes will include the development of information
technologies and communications to make abuse locations more transparent
as well as editorials regarding potential strategies for resolving
ongoing international and intra-national disputes. It will also feature
educational, curriculum development, conflict prevention and recent
eye witness articles.