dissemination to policy makers



Prior to publishing a press release or contacting policy makers a strategy
session will be held to assess the most efficient use of the Center’s resources
and the specific policy makers who are most likely to be able to effect the
ground situation.  Once that list is complete, two things will happen
simultaneously.  A press release will be drafted for distribution to the
wire, press, UN, US State Department, specific foreign ministries and other
policy making or human rights entities. Concurrently the Director and one or
two monitors and possibly a senior fellow will begin to call policy makers
according to the strategic plan.  After the press release has been drafted
it will be edited and then released via fax and internet to the remaining
policy makers.  Offices should be contacted in an effort to follow up the
receipt of the fax and the disposition of the information.  It is
appropriate to ask staffers what course of action in response to the
information is being taken.  It is very important to receive and record
the individuals and the organizations who are verbally contacted and who
indicate that the information is being reviewed.

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