
A large part of facilitating genocide prevention will be a system of following
up precursors and unfolding human rights violations. Contact with neutral
observers within and near the areas of devastation is essential to an early
warning system. This center will collaborate with relief, missionary, governmental,
business and other NGO groups that function in those areas to be able to
confirm first hand reports of massive abuse or preparations for such abuse.
List Serve
A list server is currently being developed that will allow people in regions
of the world that are inaccessible to the Internet to be able to communicate
in their own language to an ongoing dialogue on the area. They would be
edited for useful contacts in those areas as sources of further human rights
violation reports. An international 800 number will be commissioned to allow
for international phone calls reporting first hand accounts of indicators
of genocide and massive human rights violations. A top encryption system
with coded names and locations will be used to protect the identity of local,
relief, missionary, business, NGO, and other confidential sources.
Digital Camera Distribution Program
In areas where massive human rights abuses are occurring or anticipated,
inexpensive and small digital cameras will be provided to certain qualified
individuals who are in a position to capture some evidence of the offenses.
Images can be sent via satellite email to the center and posted within minutes.
A strict standard will be put in place to safeguard against forgeries.

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Copyright The Genocide Prevention Center 2001